How To Measure A Horse In Hands
How To Measure A Horse In Hands Ever wanted to know how big your horse is, but you didn’t know how to get started? Well, there exists a measurement called "hands" that is used to measure heights. The fundamental method of describing the height of horses is by use of hands, of which each hand exhibits 10cm (4-inches). Standard measuring tape or horse measuring tape/stick are primarily used to measure the horse’s height, and then the measurements are converted into hands. It is undoubtedly easier than you thought to know your horse height with super-fast measurements from the hoof to his withers. This can be important, especially when determining the right horse size for you to ride. So let’s have a look at how you measure a horse in hands. 1. Ensure your horse is in the right position So how do you ensure that he is in the right position? Well, there are some aspects to consider: - Assemble the measuring tools prior to positioning your horse. Basically, you ca...